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  • October 20, 2024 2 min read 1 Comment

    Life is indeed a rollercoaster of ups and downs, filled with triumphs and tribulations. It's through the struggles and challenges that we find our true inner strength and resilience. We must be proud of ourselves for surviving all the silent battles and hardships we face, even the ones we may not openly discuss. It's crucial to maintain a positive, forward-looking mindset - to move through life with the belief that everything will work out, because at the core, it truly is 90% about our mentality. Believing in ourselves, even when times are tough, is the key to overcoming obstacles. When we reach a point where looking back on our past no longer interests us, it's a sign that we're progressing and doing something right.

    The most important thing is to focus on ourselves first - we've often given so much of ourselves to others that we've neglected our own needs. But day by day, our actions and choices shape who we become. Discipline can be the solution to fixing up to 80% of our problems, as it provides structure, focus, and the drive to keep moving forward. We must be wise with how we use the precious gift of time, and the choices we make. It's crucial to distance ourselves from those who are stuck in a rut of stagnation, complaining, and hatred - they will only hold us back. There will always be people who want to see us fail, as it validates the risks they were too afraid to take themselves. But we must remember that our efforts, even when unnoticed, will eventually pay off when we achieve success.

    Discipline today lays the foundation for the options and opportunities we'll have tomorrow. It may mean being uncomfortable in the present, but that short-term discomfort will lead to long-term comfort and stability. We must stay true to those who are genuine and keeping it real with us. While we can't add more days to our lives, we can choose to make the most of each day and fill it with purpose and fulfillment. Never forget where we came from, but also recognize that we can't remain there - growth and progress require us to move forward. Believing in ourselves is a full-time job with no days off, but it's essential if we want to overcome the difficulties that life inevitably throws our way. The struggles we face are merely tests to prove that we are who we say we are - dedicated, determined, and capable of discipline.

    1 Response


    October 21, 2024

    The soundest piece of advice i was ever given was that sometimes what we want at this moment doesn’t align with what we are working towards long term. This is where discipline and self awareness are necessary because if you want to reach your long term goal sometimes you have to sacrifice short term satisfaction. Be your own cheerleader always.

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